
104 Movie Reviews

27 w/ Responses

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You're now my favorite animator on this site.

You most certainly earned it! I can't even fathom how you pulled this one off!

Now then, animation wise...well good GAWD. Your style is fantastic! Like, seriously, you probably don't even realize how good it really is! There was not a single moment in the movie that dragged at all, and that's HARD for music videos. Most people when it comes to these things reuse as many shots as possible, drag it out as much as they can so as to not put in the effort they need to put in and just straight up slow down any excitement and style they had going for them. I just wanted to let you know that you've got it! Not one shot was noticeably or shamefully reused, and the experimentation with them really work out! Effects are everywhere, the camera is dynamic, and motion the characters have in them is phenomenal! You certainly didn't take the easy way out! Another thing is that your tween use is perfect! Most people just don't get how to do a good tween, but, let me tell ya', the tweens in this are tasteful and perfected! And I haven't talked about the art yet, have I? You've got a scribbly style to your characters, but there's not ONE bad drawing in this whole movie. Not one. The JPEG files in this usually wouldn't have worked if it came to some other animator, but you've really got it down, and it compliments the crap out of your work! Believe me, Skaijo, you've got me well impressed!

Now let's talk about sound. The music you've chosen for this is FANTASTIC. Being a fan of the Japanese music to start off with, I was already excited when I heard the song start up, but it went so far ahead of my expectations! The song had this great and catchy chorus that I'll be humming for at least a month and then some, and the style throughout the whole piece was great, with it's own unique twist of pop rock that I've yet to hear within a flash or just anywhere for that matter! What gives this flash the style it has is how you used the song to the flash! All of the flash moves in the tempo given and takes full advantage of the energy of the song, making some really great moments and climaxes! Great choice!

As for the feeling of the flash, I can't even explain it. There's something so great and magical about how this makes me feel that I can't put it in words. It's got it's charm in the characters, the intensity of the action and not to mention your trademark brand of humor (the easter egg with the note passed around was the wittiest and most sarcastic thing I've read in a while, not to mention all the other secrets, too)! I'm still not sure if you quite understand what you've made here, but believe me when I say it's much better then you think. I don't know why, but there's this unmistakable feeling of happiness I felt watching this, and the climax of it all literally gave me goosebumps, and it still continues to do so!
I'll be honest, I first heard of you through the Professor Layton series, and, yes, it was hilarious. But I realize now that you are SO MUCH more then just some humorous video game parody series, and I'm so ecstatic that I've managed to come across you and your flash work, as it truly inspires me to do so much more myself. What I like most about it is that it looks like you've had tons of fun making it, too, and that's very important!

By the way, I'll say that this is the best work that you've submitted thus far. I've seen Don't Trip and The Love I'm Searching 4 and they were both incredibly impressive, and I also saw the stuff you're currently working on and it looks to be even better then anything you've made yet! You've got unmistakable talent.

Overall, this is the best flash movie I've seen in a long time, and it's the best one I WILL SEE in long time. I'm not quite sure why this one in particular means so much to me, but it does, and I thank you so much for making this. And plus, I'm sorry this was so long, but I really wanted to pour my heart out, and I think you'll appreciate this nonetheless!
5 outta' 5, 10 outta' 10 and favorited!

Characters remaining for the review? Zero.

Skaijo responds:

Thanks for much for the two loving reviews. I love feed back and a good pat on the back over numbers and ratings any day. It's like a letter you wrote me, and I really appreciate it.

I was in a really good mood when I made this animation. I think what happened was that I finished Pick Up: Act 2, which I pushed myself so hard and for so long that I kinda got burned out and wanted to just make something, on my own, for fun--that I can try new effects on and animation styles--with the added confidence that working on Pick Up had offered. I tell you, this was entirely a fly by the seat kind of animation where I'd think of what the next second of animation would be only when I reached it. It really helped keep the animation fresh and I really enjoyed what came out of it overall. This is definitely one of my most proud pieces of work that has plenty of personal homages, favorite show references at the time, and humor that reflect my life when I made this. In case you'd like to know, I've long since given the characters names that I never really felt I could get away with by mentioning in the animations since they're so short:

Main Character (girl with the black sword): Uli Unmei
Little Sister of the Main Character (and also the little girl seen at the end of Don't Trip): Ilu Unmei (same as Uli, but backwards)
Ilu's friend (the one with the beedy black eyes, and also the character wearing yellow in The Love I'm Searching 4): Melon
Aunt of both Uli and Ilu, and de facto parent/guardian: Jacki "Big Tits" Unmei. She's named after the song Jackie Big Tits by The Kooks.

I'm glad you saw what I'm working on. Of all of my animations, This is UNMEI most closely matches the tone I want to go for in my next major project--in fact, I will crank it even further with action and love. But most importantly, just good vibrations that viewers like you will pick up on for def.

It's about DAMN time someone made this.

Holy freakin' gord, if you weren't already my hero, then you are now Superman.

Animation is the best lookin' crap I've ever seen. And by crap, I mean crap, 'cause they all look like crap. But my god, you make crap look great. I'm going to say it's all because of the animation style, as everyone bounces around, the mouths jump around nonstop, and it's always so freakin' busy. Of course, having a busy scene is in no way only done by animation when it comes to you. You've got a freakin' talent for voices EVERYWHERE. Sure, as some people complain, that's the deal with everything you've done, but I'm not complaining until I stop laughing, and that hasn't happened yet.

Now then, the concept stole the show. Look, man, I may have never taken a step on your old campus, and I probably never will, but I've been there, you can believe that. Everyone zoomin' around this flash is someone I've seen before, and most I see EVERY DAY. And they are ripe for parody. Good lord, the hug chick? The creepy loner who follows the hug chick? The dork who plays Nintendo on the GOD FORSAKEN LAPTOP? That guy who won't feed his freakin' self? Ugh. And you know what they all have in common? You know what you hit spot on? They make the BIGGEST freakin' deal about, good gawd.

Overall, this is perfect. I will now send this to everyone that fits any bit of this criteria.
5 outta' 5, 10 outta' 10 and favorited!


Nice job, man, gave me a laugh! Rayquaza was what cracked me up the most. RAYQUAZAR is now my new motto for EVERYTHING.

I don't really know what to say about it critique wise, as it was, really, just some good spam (Which I'm a huge fan of when it comes to this site!), and spam, on purpose, ain't somethin' Pixar would shove out into theaters, but it fulfilled it's spammish goals and missions. As for Speakonia, the program is, for no damn reason, hilarious to me, so use it as much as you want when it comes to this stuff.

Overall, here's a toast to friends, flash, and silly gooses round the globe. Yea verily.
9 outta' 10 and 5 outta' 5!

P.S. Joey, you've been bested. If you've got the time or the desire to do so, RETALIATE.

Gustavos responds:

According to him, J&G3 has already been in the works. All he'd tell me is that it's rated for adult audiences and it's in HD. Suffice to say, I'm afraid.

Rayquaza is the one who really stole the show. Always getting the last laugh even with a gun in his face. The way he says "RAYQWEZAR" was just another silly joke between us. When Joey got some voice acting for his comedy about Rayquaza from a guy who happenned to be British, the guy kept pronouncing the name like that. We couldn't stop repeating that pronunciation afterwards. RAYQWEZAR!

Let me just correct you to say that Pixar does shove out spam on purpose, it's called Shrek 4. I myself find Speakonia to be limited in its possibilities for different voices. Like I couldn't find a properly ridiculous voice for Rayquaza, or that pencil. But I can see why spam crews love using it so much.

Aye, bless us all and-oi! Joey! Don't drink before the toast!

Edit: I really should point out that I was at fault when I said Pixar was responsible for Shrek 4. It was actually Dreamworks. Pixar continues to make animated movies that all audiences can enjoy.

Getting much better, Onions!

I've gotta' say, very much surprised by the improved quality of this flash! Feels much more like a series, now!

The animation was very nice! The drawings of which have much improved texture work and the shading jobs, and the background sets morphed perfectly with the style of the characters, and I can tell you worked on it more this time around. I liked the style of the Donkey Kong reference, too, with some very solid pixel work. However, aforementioned in another review, It is true that Kolaskum never did face forward, you know? I don't mind if that's the prominent view of him, but to make it more interesting, different shots are very important. But anyways, that's really the only complaint I have with animation. By the way, the frame by frame is everywhere, as always, and looks great, so keep it up!

Sound was great, and much more improved from the previous episode! The quality of the voice acting is much more clear this time, and the music is very catchy with all the 8-bit stuff you did! The sound effects also morph with the flash better then time, too! I think some of the lines, such as, "Would you cut that out?!" could have been a bit less monotone though, but the other lines had all the attention that they needed!

Overall, a great episode, and it definitely makes me want to see the next one! I feel that the series is getting more depth to it, and I can relate much more to the characters this time around, so keep up the awesome job with that!

5 outta' 5 and 10 outta' 10!

OnionsXD responds:

A series!! YAY!!! I bet it'll feel even more like a series once I get the adventure cartoons out!! omg!! Bonehead for serious you leave the best reviews I've ever seen!! I wish I could write so much about your toons, but writing is always not second nature to me..and your right about Kolaskum and the side view...I'll do different angles next time..oh wait actually I am on my adventure! I used a slight overhead view and some others so that's good.! Thanks again for the super review!! My next cartoon will be a HIT!! :D

Wow, this is getting hella' impressive!

That was a TON better then I was expecting! Bunches of moments that had me laugh out loud and some points that had slick motion, too!

First off, the animation is getting a lot better, and just plain good! There wasn't a point in the animation where anybody looked too awkward, and that can be hard to do, by the way, definitely since yer' messin' around with a bucha' shapes! The fight scene was pulled off with all the intensity you would want in a fight scene (by the way, I love the flash Chris and Harry, and this feels QUITE similar with the fight, haha!), and the frame by frame is everywhere! With all the cool camera shots and effects, it really pulled it off without a mishap. Yet again, I was very much impressed guys, it gettin' good!

Sound was nice, too! The music remix of that Yoshi's Island song was good, and some of the SFX have really kicked it up a notch. The voice acting could still use some work though, NOT necessarily with the actual voice actor, but with the mic it's recorded on, or the WAY you recorded with it, as some parts have got some fuzz to it. The delivery of the voices were great for the most part, but some lacked some appeal. But hey, I've been noticing that you've got some nice comedic timing at points. That's not something that exactly learnable, but it's necessary, so glad you have it!

Overall, those critiques aren't enough to sway my score, and I was overall very pleased that I watched this, and very much impressed! Keep up the great work you guys, it'll only get better! Plus, if this doesn't get some kinda' Daily Award, I'll be severely dissapointed, cause I'm sure it deserves it!
5 outta' 5, 10 outta' 10 and favorited!
Great job!!

Cristo responds:

OMG!!! Thank you so much for the long and helpful review! You know just what needs to be fixed and what can be improved and what was good and bad. Thats a good quality, thanks for your help, this got a much better score than I though. You helped me alot now! And also you have helped me in the future. I know some of the lines were fuzzy, thats because I did the blue guy. I couldnt get a response from the voice actor in time. So we had to go to plan B. I thought it was okay because he only had 2 lines. Keep in mind that this was made long a while back, and its not my best work. Just like my other submission coming up. But once that one is out of the way, I will release my new cartoons and I will be back on track. Then my profile will accually make sense because I accually have Cristo cartoons subbmitted! Thanx a billion times a billion! I cant thank you more for giving me so much help and support! I love your cartoons, and I hope you you love mine! Good luck!

Now that's what I'm talkin' about, man!

First off, I'd like to apologize for my mediocre score of a 7 on ToughGuyFront. I rewatched that episode, and I guess I didn't notice how many times I laughed! A lot more then other flashes, that's for sure! And after checkin' out this episode, I've definitely renewed my interest in this series. Anyways, there's a review to be had.

Art wise and animation wise...as said before, is great. Lipsync, movement and design is perfect, and has been since episode 1. Sound wise is, also, just fantastic, with every sound fitting into the other and nothing being out of place, not to mention the great voice acting. Of course, that's not what I'm going to go crazy about in this review.

Now then, the plot of this episode was great! Starting out with the letter, having the lamest jokes ever, and at least a 5 minute off-camera segment. Plus, you seemed to have made fun of the show a lot in this episode. Now, it seems more then ever, I REALLY get the humor of this show. Of course, in the beginning, I knew that this definitely wasn't going to be a series of, shall we say, Wacky Game Jokes, (and, with that WACKY segment, I'm glad it's not. :D) but with this episode, it definitely focused on how the show is SUPPOSED to suck, on purpose, for humor and I LOVE it! You have a knack it seems for making something suck at points without ever actually sucking, as this made me laugh almost every minute. The fact that it seems that you notice that people don't like it has a dark humor to it though, huh? Heck, it makes ME feel guilty, haha! However, you have a great sense of humor about it, as you pulled this off greatly. Whatever, I'm rambling here. Anyways, the off-camera segment was the best! Haha, lot's of great voice acting, and bunches of jokes hidden in there too.

Overall, I'm very excited to finally, completely, get the series. The humor is brilliant, and I'll be excited to see future episodes. Keep up the great work!
5 outta' 5, 10 outta' 10 and favorited!

Here are my feelings about this series here...

Now, first and foremost, and for some brownie points, I'm gonna' go ahead and say that you are by far one of my favorite flash authors on this site. The Jerry Series and the flash of The Greatest Idea Ever were absolutely great! You've got somethin' that a lot of other flash authors, and whatever it is, I like it. Now then, for WGJ4K, my feelings about the series are mixed, but here's what I think. I hope this helps you, man, 'cause you can still deliver some funny stuff.

Here's what I like about the series; first off, the animation, as I've come to realize with ya', is excellent. The sets and art look great, and the motion is as stylish as it gets. Motion doesn't seem to be a problem with this, as it's all smooth and never rushed. Lip-sync is just as good as it needs to be, too.
Sound wise, great stuff. Good quality mic, very decent SFX and good voice acting.
My favorite is the feeling of it. You feel very much connected to the series through the feeling of the set, the though that whatever is goin' on in the flash is happening just as it should be. Feeling of a flash is hard to pull off and probably harder to explain too, but you've got it, because I feel it's a very well pulled off environment. Good character distinction and personality, and the sound effects add to it, too, and, as mentioned before, good sets to give it even more feeling.

Now then, what I DON'T like about this series; the pacing of it all. I understand that what you're trying to get at is a lot of awkward humor, and for the first two episodes it was perfect, but I feel you're slipping a lot. While the pacing is by far better then the, "Mario vs. Sonic," episode (I honestly don't WHAT you tried to pull off with that one), it's just too slow. It'd be okay if maybe all the waiting led up to a great joke or aside, but even the jokes lack the humor it used to have. Asides like how Mickey called the boss, "honey," was pulled off as a great side-note to the dialogue, and a few of the game references were funny, but this series just lacks a TON of joke value and comedic timing like it used to have. Plus, making a joke from a past episode doesn't work all the time, and we're gonna' just need more original humor.

So, there's my two cents worth. Please, for the love of god, listen to this review, man, and improve what is needed to be improved. You've got skill, it's just been absent for a while. If you work hard enough and give this series what it needs and what it has HAD, then we've got on our hands yet another great flash by you! HOWEVER, if your just milking this series for whatever reason, please end this and move on to something else we'll enjoy, becuause it's running dry. I see you've tried some character development, and it MIGHT work, but we've gotta' have more of what we've seen before, or I'm won't be so committed to watching all of this. I'm waiting, man.
4 outta' 5 and 8 outta' 10.
Show us what ya' got! :D

Animator who occasionally animates | Created Rhythm Damacy | “Bold yet sensitive, and rugged to boot.”

Casey Moore @CaseyAnimates

Age 32, Male

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Texas, USA

Joined on 9/11/06

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